Both George and Abe can work on the same files containing absolute links to other files because now the Box Drive folder is C:\Cloud\Box on both computers. If George Washington and colleague Abe Lincoln move their Box Drive folders to C:\Cloud, absolute links to other files in Box Drive will no longer contain the individual's profile name.
You can resolve this by having all collaborators customize their Box Drive folder location to the same folder. In the above example, only George Washington can access linked files that use absolute paths because other collaborators don't have GWashington in their Box Drive folder path. So for George Washington, the Box Drive folder location is: That’s because the links' file paths incorporate that individual's profile name. The default location for the Box Drive folder does not allow content collaborators to access absolute links set by another individual. For more on absolute and relative paths, see the Related Links section at the end of this article.
Relative file path links should work regardless of the Box Drive folder location.
This article discusses resolving issues around file-to-file linking via absolute paths as seen in many popular apps such as Excel, Word, InDesign, and so on.